our mission: Leading the way in trial lawyer support

Providing military knowledge, skill and experience.
When expert advice matters, we deliver.

Who We are

Our experts are recognized military leaders. They have served at the highest levels of their military services and understand the military issues involved in your case. They have the knowledge and experience to properly advise our attorney clients on the impact an individual’s military service has on their case – and the credibility to explain those impacts to a finder of fact.

We have been involved in many different types of military issues. Most frequently, we are asked to assess whether a service member has lost military earnings or benefits and, if so, to quantify that loss. Need a military expert on another issue? Give us a call. We have a team of highly-qualified experts available to assist you in understanding military issues including military lost wages and benefits.

Our Founders

Dennis M. McCarthy


Michael D. McCarthy

Our Experts

William D. Razz Waff

James E.

Edward "sonny" Masso



James R.



What we do

We help attorneys understand, quantify, and explain the impact an injury has had on a servicemember’s career. Our experts employ a reliable, fact-based methodology and independent judgment honed over decades of military experience to advise attorneys representing plaintiffs or defendants in civil litigation across the country.

Military issues faced by trial lawyers take a variety of forms. Our experts provide clarity and credibility.

how we work

Our Experts advise our attorney clients as either consulting or testifying experts. Each case is different, but our process and methodology are the same in each: first we assess the servicemember’s career potential to determine if the injury caused any damage to their career; then we quantify any military economic loss that stems from that damage.

Qualitative Phase

Gathering and interpreting military data
Determining career potential

Quantitative Phase

Reliably calculating any economic loss

Trial Preparation

Helping you prepare witness examinations


Credibility and clarity – second to none


We strive to combine independent judgment and responsive, professional service to meet our clients’ needs and we are proud that the vast majority of our new cases come from client referrals. References are available upon request but we can share a few recent comments here: